Tuesday, February 13, 2007

(Photos by Jeff)

While in Portland over the weekend we visited the Bishop's Close, an estate that was donated to the Episcopal Diocese of Oregon of Oregon in 1959. The buildings are private, but the gardens are open to the public and are quite lovely. Many things were in bloom, the crocus, sarcococa and other early spring beauties. There were also many promises of a beautiful mid to late spring. We'll have to go back in a few weeks to see what's changed.


Inspired by the past week of sweets I was excited to try these scones. Maria originally blogged the recipe for Maple Syrup Scones (from Breakfast Lunch and Tea.) I gave this great cookbook to my dad for Christmas. My mom and I baked up these scones on Saturday morning and enjoyed them fresh out of the oven. As usual with this cookbook there was a high butter content, but they were certainly tasty! My dad's comment: "They taste like Paris." or was it "France"? Oh well, botched the quote, but you get the idea. It's a compliment either way.

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