Sunday, January 06, 2013

Chocolate in our pockets

We got all up in the clouds and woods today.  Took a new to us trail.  Explored up close and far away.

School starts back tomorrow.  It's the end of Calder's first Winter Break.  (Though we will actually be taking our family vacation in a week.  Yay!)

My companions were sweet sweet people.

When the big guys scrunched down to get to Lakey's height he took their cue and scrunched down too.

Couldn't get him to stand up straight, but he was still so darn cute looking at me all, "O-tay, Mama."

The quarry pond was iced over.  We had fun tossing rocks, making them skitter across the surface (me) and crashing big holes through the ice (everyone else.)

Winter.  Where we live.

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