Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The 2012 Rebbermade Photo Calendar

We came back, about an hour ago, from a drive around the neighborhood in search of good holiday light displays. Found a few. I drank hot chocolate in the car. Now Calder's sleeping and our little night owl is crawling around at my feet as I type.

We're about to settle in to a movie and knitting, but I wanted to take a moment to mention that I've got a little Rebbermade 2012 photo calendar for sale in my shop.

This is the 6th year that I've made a Rebbermade calendar. Missed doing it the last two years due to busy family, baby and holiday stuff. But, now it's back and I'm so glad about that.

The calendar's in a new format for 2012, and I hope you'll appreciate the layout and extra space to add in notes and special occasions you wish to remember for each month. There's also an extra page I've set up as a "big list" - a place to put ideas, movie/book/music recommendations, to-do's, resolutions, stuff like that.

As always, the photos have been taken throughout the current year, often within the same month to which they're assigned in the calendar. I think it's nice that the light in the images fits the time of year, the activities, the little things that make each month unique.

The 2012 Rebbermade photo calendar is available in my shop for $4. Upon purchase I will email the pdf file (to your address on file with Etsy) within 48 hours (almost always within just a couple hours.) The calendar prints out on letter-sized sheets and can simply be trimmed down the middle to separate the months.

One of the best parts is that once you have the file, you can print it out and share it with others as often as you'd like. Really, give it to everyone on your list. Just, please be mindful that these are my photographs and design, so it should not be re-sold.

So, here we go! It's almost a new year. Onward into 2012 with a new, pretty Rebbermade calendar to encourage a little bit of looking back, looking ahead, and enjoying being right where we are.

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