Friday, August 07, 2009


Our first little lady from the onion rows.

I find it curious, and yet okay since the end result is always positive, that I never expect the vegetables grown at home to be like the ones bought at the store or farmers' market.

I pulled her out of the ground, brushed off a bit of dirt, and took her photo.

Took her in, cut her up, and sauteed her with tomato to top last night's pasta.

Tonight the same thing happened to her purple bedfellow who ended up seasoning a tasty quinoa dish. (We ate this warm. I cut up raisins instead of currants, and didn't soak them. And sauteed some of the onion before adding it to the quinoa.)

We're still planning on braving the Bridge Pedal this Sunday. Wish us luck! I think it should be great fun, but have heard more than one horror story. I'll be back with tales to tell, I'm sure.

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