Monday, June 01, 2009

Long days

The long days of the weekend allowed us much progress on the coop. The girls will move in one of these days.

Did you spot the pink drink of late spring/early summer? The sweet, sparkly, delicious Rhubarb Soda I read about here and believe I also saw here. A good idea is sure to spread quick. Rhubarb coast to coast!

Calder's into the coop-building too. And we're into safety, obviously. That's right, a barefoot almost-three-year-old in a construction zone with a giant hammer, good thing he's wearing his safety goggles.

Fortunately, with the long stretches of sun from morning to evening, the chickens have been able to take advantage of a temporary corral in the yard (shade umbrella included) near where we're building the coop. It's not ideal, but most definitely better than spending all day cramped inside. They have seriously outgrown their box in the kitchen. Fortunately, after a long day outside, when we bring them in they all just hunker down in the bedding and go to sleep. It won't be long, ladies, we promise.

+ + +

Who wants radishes? They're a joy to grow, and harvest, and eat for that matter with butter on bread, but I don't think we can eat all that i sowed. Sharing the backyard harvest - one of my favorite parts of gardening. And, these beauties grow so quickly, I think I'll just drop in more seeds and start over again once this first crop has all been harvested.

1 comment:

Soon, Then said...

nice radishes! We tried growing some last year, but they never got bulbous...just long skinny strands of red roots and way too many stalky green leaves. What did I do wrong?