Wednesday, January 07, 2009


Spent the day up in PDX. Aunt Julie had to check out an apartment in downtown, so Gramma C, Calder and I tagged along.

We lunched at Kenny + Zukes. The hot dog with the works was delicious. Their housemade applesauce was a little too grown up for Calder (fresh ginger and peels still in.)

We caught the streetcar and toured the fareless square, then drove over to Mississippi to check out a different neighborhood. Julie and Carolyn sampled salts at The Meadow while Calder napped in the car. Then we went over to Alberta for a treat at Petit Provence (yum) and a little play at Grasshopper. Abby was working, and I enjoyed a bit of time to chat with her.

Calder played with his new engine all the way home. (I slept.) And Jeff was here to build elaborate bridges for his new set of wheels just minutes after walking in the door.


Engine has been tucked in and is listening to bedtime stories. Goodnight.
(He hasn't done this with any other toy.)

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