Monday, February 06, 2012

February first days

It's been beautiful.

The waters are subsiding, but are not yet gone.

The skies have been clear, high, and blue as blue.

The green noses of bulbs are emerging. Filberts are blooming. We see the bees busy going in and out of their hives. What flowers could they be visiting now? Could it be the filberts?

A view as far as the eye could see from the hilltop yesterday.

I love an hour or so in the garden clearing out the brown from the end of last season. In the cool, bright afternoon of what must still be called winter, my body was warmed by my effort. My heart rate rose. I was working, but not enough to make me sore or sweaty. It just felt good.

I have an idea. It makes me happy and smile inside when I think about it. I wonder when I'll make my first move to bring it into tangible reality? I thought finishing was the hardest part for me. Perhaps it's making the first move to begin?

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